“74” centres on the lives of three women, and their traumatic experiences following the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Paul Lambis’ war drama is a story of love, loss, life and death, seen through the eyes of these symbolical women, each one representing the towns under Turkish occupation: Kyrenia, Morphou and Varosha. These powerful figures are united by one constant that anchors their stories and ties them all together: their hope for their island’s re-unification.
A professional ensemble of Cypriot actors, artists and choreographers coming together to produce a powerful production that is riveting, inspirational and unforgettable.
Galatia Zenonos as Kyrenia, Chritsina Marouchou as Varosha, Nedie Antoniades as Morphou,
Eleni Odysseos as Varosha’ Mother / Mother Cyprus, Andreas Papamichalopoulos as the Greek-Cypriot Soldier, Michalis Christou as the Turkish Soldier and Christopher Greco as Archbishop Makarios
Directed by Michelle Tross Nonyelu / Written, Produced and Directed by Paul Lambis