Theater Dionysos is one of my favorites in Cyprus for various reasons. But I also have it so dearly in my heart as it’s where I had my first professional performance straight after acting school, in the play “California Dreaming”.

Its current production “8 Femmes” (“8 Γυναίκες Κατηγορούνται”) a black mystery comedy was going extremely well, unfortunately one of the actresses had to leave the company for personal issues. As understudies are rarely used in Cyprus, I was called in to substitute her for the role of “Gabby”, the wife of the murder victim. I had 5 days to work, learn my lines, my blocking and rehearse with the rest of the cast before my first show.

Talk about a challenge.

But I really loved the play and I worked very hard and the rest of the cast consists of 7 wonderful actresses and women which welcomed me warmly and made everything so much easier for me.

8femmesmar  photo




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