Category: News

Jury Duty *BLOG*

I have been invited to join the semifinal round of judging for this year’s International Emmy Awards. It was such an honor to be on the same panel with an exquisite team of professionals from all around the world.

“Caterina Cornaro” at Must Fashion 19

Caterina Cornaro came into my life 4 years ago and if you’ve been following this blog you’ll know what an insanely rewarding journey it has been. Recently director Andreas Araouzos was asked to direct the opening of the Must Fashion 2019 awards, and as the evening was dedicated to the last queen of Cyprus, Anthie Zachariadou wrote a shorter version of her life -this time in Greek.

“A Few Good Men” On Tour

It isn’t frequent in this profession that you get to work on a project you are really passionate about and everyone gets along with everyone. Especially when it consists of a big cast.

That’s why I feel undeniably lucky and blessed to portray Joanne Galloway in this production of “A Few Good Men” by Aaron Sorkin. The show premiered last fall and we are so happy and excited to go on a mini tour this September!

Caterina Goes To New York *BLOG*


Snakes And Ladders

Christos Lazanias from Politis newspaper invited me for a game of Snakes and Ladders and a chat over coffee a few weeks ago.

Our chat was featured on the newspapers’ Web TV and even though I lost the game, I had an excellent time!

I Only Want To See You Laughing In the Purple Rain

When an icon passes, the first feeling you get is that of disbelief.

How can such a brilliant, charismatic, talented person cease to be?

The Royals Are Back In Town

I never liked September. Mainly because it always brought the end of summer which happens to be my favorite season.

However, this September is shaping out to be a lovely one.

And a very royal one indeed!